Unique In-Person Opportunities

Here at A Dance for Life, I create opportunities to bring unique experiences and opportunities to come together, move, dance, explore, and create. Either led by myself or a specialty guest teacher, we aim to cultivate a safe space to elevate, transform, and inspire our human experience for the better.

Join us for the flamenco workshop weekend in Tucson with Miguel Vargas from Spain!

He a a master flamenco dancer and teaches worldwide. Owner of 3 flamenco schools in Sevilla, Spain, he is the embodiment of the art of flamenco.

His unique teaching style combines a rich historical and cultural understanding of the art form, along with his ability to sing the songs while dancing! He connects all the dots from the history to the meaning and intention behind the lyrics and music, therefore offering the opportunity to dance with true depth.

The weekend of workshops will have a variety of offerings for both the seasoned flamenco student as well as newbie beginners who have never danced a step before.

For the seasoned dancers, we will have a technique class, plus 3 days of focusing on the Martinete, which is a very deep palo (flamenco style) and is a work song of the Gypsies, which they would sing in the forge to the sound of the anvil blows next to the heat of the fire, singing their pain. It’s a very beautiful and deep palo.

For the history buffs, we will have a Flamenco theory and global understanding course where Miguel will walk through the history and the various cultural and societal influences on the art form.

Finally, for those who are newbie beginners and are interested in an opportunity for somatic movement, we will be offering a workshop titled, Moving Through Grief with Flamenco and Somatic Movement. This will be a safe space to learn to use the movements of flamenco to feel and express grief and move it through and out the body. No dance shoes needed.

All classes will be taking place at A Dance For Life Movement and Healing Arts studio in NW Tucson. It is located on a private residence and the exact location will be given upon registration.

Select your class options below to register!

Client Testimonials

"With her help, we tapped our way through the release of the 'illness/pain' that these experiences created in my physical and emotional body.

I am more whole than ever before; healthier in my physical body, calmer in my heart, and clearer in my thinking. Thank you, Mireille!"

-Sarah Evans

EFT with Mireille has opened a channel of awareness within. Awareness brings change.

To be aware of the causes of pain and suffering that I have held onto for most of my life is now shedding. Shedding the thoughts

and memories of past traumatic experiences to make space for new. Learning to be aware, to acknowledge, to accept, and to let go of

old energies that longer serve my highest good and 'only when ready.'

Thank you Mireille for continuing to be the light that shines so bright and

helping others like myself! I am truly humbled and honored."


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